Streaming - too many sources
TV Schedule
It began with a simple task some years ago, create my own TV Scheduling from php and xml. Find a free source, download it and display in a a formatthat mirrored my preferred format.For to many years I had been reading tv scheduling magazines, which isn't cheap - ane even worse when you pay for it and don't actually receive it (looking at you TV & Satellite Week).

So I wrote my own. Color bands added for different parts of the day, sticky headers and popups with extra data. Then I was asked to create an epg version... Which was trickier that I thought it would be,but code it I did.

Streaming: what new
After that I actually started using python to gtaher what was new on Amazon and Netflix from various streaming sources. Even added in Disney and Now. Although I keep this srict running on a cron, it sadly isn't as useful as it usedto be. Sources for this aren't that many, and my web scraping from juswatch stopped working, and I wasn't able to rectify it sadly. So now I use a mixture of my script, rss feeds and justwatch. Problem is I hate justwatch layout.
Streaming: watchlists
There are many watchlists sites oyt that, justwatch is one. Even Google has one. But they all suffer from numerous issue. Missing titles, poor and sometimes confusing layouts. There isn't anythign on the market that currently gathers all your streaming servcies and shows them in one place. So I wrote my own.

I used python and selenium to start with and had early success. BBC, Disney and a couple of others worked but I hit a block and couldn't use the same technique with others. Pyautogui to the rescue. As I am coding this for myself I was able to utlise that to either sign in via incognito or as a few wouldn't play ball, sign in using existing cookies and after more time than i would like to admit to I finally finkished.