Hamster-Event-objects (Win32)
The hamster supports the "Event-object" "
evtHamster. IsIdle ". It signals that no processes(lawsuits) are active in the hamster and the hamster unemployed (Idle) is.One can use this object, e.g., for programs and Skripte, which articles and E-mails after the download nachbearbeiten.
Indication: connections with the local servers are not considered active order.
Examples of the practical use:
Use Win32:: Event;
$evtHamsterIsIdle = Win32:: Event-> open (" evtHamster. IsIdle ");
* start hamster-tasks
$evtHamsterIsIdle-> wait ();
Visual Basic:
Private Const INFINITE = *HFFFF
Private Const SYNCHRONIZE = *H100000
Private Declare Function OpenEvent Lib "kernel32" Alias "OpenEventA" _
(ByVal dwDesiredAccess A Long, ByVal bInheritHandle A Long, _
ByVal lpName A String) A Long
Private Declare Function WaitForSingleObject Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal hHandle A Long, ByVal dwMilliseconds A Long) A Long
Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal hObject A Long) A Long
Dim evtHamsterIsIdle A Long, res A Long
EvtHamsterIsIdle = OpenEvent (SYNCHRONIZE, False, " evtHamster. IsIdle ")
' Start hamster-tasks
Res =
WaitForSingleObject (evtHamsterIsIdle, INFINITE)Res = CloseHandle (evtHamsterIsIdle)
Delphi 3:
Uses Windows;
Var evtHamsterIsIdle: THandle;
EvtHamsterIsIdle: = OpenEvent (SYNCHRONIZE, False, ' evtHamster. IsIdle ');
// start hamster-tasks
WaitForSingleObject (evtHamsterIsIdle, INFINITE);
CloseHandle (hdlEvent);