File: (main catalogue) \IPAccess.hst

The purpose of the file IPAccess.hst is to protect the hamster against unauthorized accesses from the Internet. This happens on the basis of the Internet-address of the Clients. It can be fixed which are accepted IP-Adressen/Adressräume by the hamster and which he should reject.


A simple ASCII-text. Comment lines begin with the rhombus mark ("*") or the semicolon (";"). A line can contain three or four elements separated by Kommata.

Syntax: <server>, <authorization>, <IP-Adress-Bereich>

1.) <Server>

This element gives(indicates) to which server the line should be considered(apply). This allows a differentiation according to offered service (e.g., incoming and outgoing mail differently grounds).

Allowed keyword:

NNTP: Local NNTP-server

POP3: Local POP3-Server

SMTP: Local SMTP-server

MAIL: Local POP3-and SMTP-server (corresponds therefore plus POP3 SMTP)

ALL: All local servers (plus NNTP MAIL) corresponds therefore

2.) <Authorization>

This element describes the access rights to be given away

Authorization sort:

RW: Letters and reading ("Read-Write")

WHERE: Only letter ("Write-only")

RO: Only reading ("Read-only")

WELL: No access (" No access ")

3.) <IP-Adress-Bereich>

IP-Adress-Bereich or the separate IP-address to which the line should be considered(apply). If an address range is given(indicated), at first are to be given(indicated) and final address of the area by a comma separated.

Special treatment of the local addresses:

The keyword "LOCAL" in the third field (IP-Adress-Bereich) fixes that the hamster should treat all local IP-addresses (e.g., while opening an Internet-connection by means of DFÜ-network of the provider (dynamically) assigned address) like the IP-address given(indicated) in the fourth field.

In this special case the fields must show one and two nevertheless the correct syntax, however, their(her) specific content is ignored logically, there are considered(apply) the attitudes(settings) of the 4th parameter.


* all local IP-addresses should be treated like 127/0/0/1:

ALL, LOCAL, 127/0/0/1


(*) only once the file is loaded while starting the hamster. After changes it is necessary therefore to finish the hamster and to start again.

(*) the hamster is for the private use at home voreingestellt. He allows by this pre-setting the access about the IP-addresses 127/0/0/1 and to All local IP-addresses are treated like the IP-address " 127/0/0/1". Corresponds to the following content:

ALL, RW, 127/0/0/1


ALL, LOCAL, 127/0/0/1

(*) the list is processed from above downwards. As long as a line applies, their(her) authorization is applied and all other lines are ignored.


* All local addresses become as 127/0/0/1 treated:

ALL, LOCAL, 127/0/0/1

* Full access to all servers of own computer:

ALL, RW, 127/0/0/1

* Full access to all servers of all IP-addresses

* In the Intranet (lokales network):


* Full access to all servers of two special IP-addresses:

ALL, RW, 11/22/33/44 * John Doe

ALL, RW, 44/33/22/11 * Jane Doe

* Only reading access to the NNTP-server (news) of all IP-addresses:

NNTP, RO, 0/0/0/0,

* No access to any server of all IP-addresses:

* (Presses the utility value of the hamster substantially, provided that before nobody

* Exceptions were defined...)

ALL, 0/0/0/0,

Unable to open file