Menu: attitudes(settings) / Local servers / user / Local servers

Local Domains:

FQDN for Message-ID:

Here Fully Qualified Domain name ") is to be given the FQDN (" for " domain part " (everything behind "") the Message-ID if this should be generated by the hamster. A FQDN can be thought out not even, but one needs either own Domain or must receive a Subdomain of the provider or another Domain-owner placed at disposal.

Local Mailausliferung with receiver Domains...:

Here the "domain-part" is to be given for the local E-mail-addresses. Addresses with this " domain part " are considered local E-mail-addresses and are sent not to the E-mail-server of the provider.

" Local part " (everything before "") of these addresses must refer to a valid local E-mail-address which was given(indicated) in the user's data of the separate users. E-mails to local addresses are blocked directly under evasion of the provider. If no local E-mail-address exists to the "domain-part" given(indicated) here, E-mail is blocked to the administrator. " Domain part " is to be given(indicated) in form of a regular expression (Regex).

The pre-setting is:

.*hamster | \ [? 127\/0\/0\/1 \]? |.*invalid

Examples of the specific addresses which are enough for these conditions::

.*hamster Irgendwer@irgendwas.hamster

\ [? 127\/0\/0\/1 \]? Irgendwer@, something [127/0/0/1]

.*invalid Irgendwer@nospam.invalid


E-mail-addresses without " domain part " are considered by the hamster always as local E-mail-addresses.

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