File: (main catalogue) \Server.ini


This INI-file contains according to server-type different attitudes(settings) which can be changed only partly directly about the dialogues:


; News server:

; 1=Wenn to get only rights(laws) of article on the server exist

; 0=Wenn also writer Zugriff on the server is possible (default: 0).


; Time-out for the Remote server i.e. after which time interval during seconds

; Should hamster Verbindungs/Abfrageversuche to external servers as

; Consider failed - default: 120 s.




; News-server-specific:

; 1=4-stellige-Jahresangabe in the NEWGROUPS-Komando

; 0=2-stellige-Jahresangabe in the NEWGROUPS-Komando (standard is 0)


; "LastGMT" contains the time brand for the last download of the news groups

; In order to switch off the time brand "NEVER" can be applied.



; News server:

; Number of the orders at the same moment to be started for the server.

; Indication: Please, the rules of the server in this connection pay attention

; And ask the Admin of the server how much Threads are allowed.

; Worth area 1-4.



; Mail-server SMTP:

; AUTH=1 activates the SMTP AUTHENTICALLY procedure for the server SMTP

; (Default 0).


; If the list of the supported mechanisms SASL, separated by defines

; Blanks for the authentication with the server SMTP

; Supported mechanism SASL: LOGIN)



; POP3-Mailserver:

; 1=Hamster deletes E-mails not on the server

; 0=Hamster deletes E-mails on the server

;? =Hamster is directed after the general attitude(setting)


; Detailed E-mails are sent normally to this local user:


; The filter section which is used for this server in the file Mailsfilt.hst:

FilterSection =*

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