Weekly Prayer request

Well not for me, obviously! But I have just come across this little snippet on the Answer in Genesis website.

New point-of-sale computer system
To prepare for museum business.
Please pray that the final configuration and testing of the system proceeds well.
Ongoing until the museum opens

Comments that they must be using Microsoft have already been thought of.

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Cutting down on Spam

Recently I have been getting more and more spam via comments. So Yesterday I went through every single post and closed comments for most of them. Apologies to anyone that wanted to comment!

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UK2.net 2 years on.

2 years ago I blogged about my experiences with UK2.net, a hosting company here in the UK. The post Why not to use UK2.net has at the time of writing received 105 comments. Most of these are from people sharing their bad experience when dealing with UK2 support.

Recently Ditlev Bredahl the Managing Director of UK2 offered, via comments on Why not to use UK2.net, to help anyone out who is experiencing problems. From what I have heard he is sincere in this, so if you have a problem with UK2 then contact him via ditlev@uk2.net and hopefully he will help you out.
Continue reading

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GAWDS on zdnet

The Guild of Accessible Web Designers get a mention in a ZDnet article – Web 2.0: A step backwards for accessibility?. I assume they meant to link to the GAWDS website but looks like they couldn’t manage to code the link correctly:

<A title="Guild of Accessible Web Designers" htm="http://www.gawds.org/">Guild of Accessible Web Designers"</A>

Earlier in the article they mention:

extra costs are likely to accrue from the need for more hand-coding, because “someone might not be able to use their content-management system in a completely Wysiwyg way”

Looks like their own CMS (Content Management System) needs looking at!

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Firefox 2 – yet another accessibility bug

Only installed Firefox 2 yesterday and already I have found some quirks with it.

Go to Google do a search on anything you like, I was searching for and try and hover the mouse over the sponsored links. The first link in the list seems to be OK but the others become inaccessible to mouse users! Occasionally a few of the others seem to be OK.

I wonder if Google know about this!

Update I have tracked it down to position:relative on class g. Not sure why it is there and the page seems to render fine without it!

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Microsoft(R) Firefox released!

The new award-winning browser from Microsoft is now faster, securer and quicker anything else on the market. Why use anything else?

Find out more at
Microsoft(R) Firefox.

Oh and remember to read the fine print!

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