Firefox Quirks

I quite often visit web pages where I need to save the source, with images and CSS etc., to tweak and find solutions to problems. The easiest method of doing this was by using the Save Web Page complete. IE used to mess this up. I had assumed, and hoped that firefox would be better. It isn’t, and is bordering on being worse!

example, and this piece of code has recently been utilised on the GAWDS website

<div style="background:#731600;margin:4px 0 1em 0;width:100%;">

Firefox then transposed this to:

<div style="margin: 4px 0pt 1em; background: rgb(115, 22, 0) none repeat scroll 0%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; width: 100%;">

However using the saving the web page HTML only still works, but you obviously don’t get the images, CSS etc.

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4 Responses to Firefox Quirks

  1. dotjay says:

    Hmmm, thaht’s an oddity. Have you posted a bug report on Firefox’s bugzilla pages?

    PS – hopefully those inline styles will disappear once I figure out how to tap into QnE’s html heads or add to the external CSS.

  2. Could you view the page source, copy that. Then get the images by saving the webpage. Just a thought.

    Mozilla Development is pretty top notch, I imaging someone somewhere is designing an extension to solve this!

    Richard Smith

  3. Rich says:


    That is what I am so used to doing that it is almost second nature now. I have redesigned a few pages as examples in the past, and that was the only reliable method.

    If the Firefox support forums weren’t so busy I’d consider mentioning it. But as it is I think it would just get lost in the flow.

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