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Yearly Archives: 2005
Access Keys – revisted
Following on from Access Keys – a user centered approach I am now releasing a php Accesskey Class, This is far more portable than a series of functions, and hopefully easier to understand.
Access Keys – a user centered approach
Many developers who are aware of the WAI and checkpoint 9.5 ‘Provide keyboard shortcuts to important links’, have recently avoided the use of accesskeys due to inherent problems. John Foliot, along with Derek Featherstone, of Wats.ca have long been advocates … Continue reading
Cygwin versus Darwin
Some time ago I obtained a Mac-Mini. Up until now I have rarely used it. Last week, however, I also upgraded my PC, and have now been brought kicking and screaming into the 21st centuy – it has WinXP on … Continue reading
Dealing with those uninvited sales people
We quite regularily get the door to door sales people knock at our door. I have recently started trying this phrase on them: “How much time would you like to waste before I say no“. Problem is that no-one seems … Continue reading
BBC iMP trial part 4
Following on from part 3, after having run the medi player yesterday it looks like it was re-added to my startup list. *sigh* With any luck they will actually ask for feedback on the player, as well as its usage … Continue reading
BBC iMP trial part 3
Today I thought I’d check if more programmes were being added to the download list. There wasn’t, still the same limited selection. However, without my knowledge, a download began! This appears to be a standard trailer, but why they set … Continue reading