Extending the blog

I’m still tweaking and adjusting the look of WordPress, but I am almost happy with the current look and feel. I upgraded to version 1.5, which has the facility to ‘theme’ , this is incredibly useful.

Tweaking WordPress takes time, but I have, with the help of the support forums, managed to amend the standard (more..) link:

The portion of code is in the main.php page and I amended it as follows:
<div class="storycontent">
<?php the_content("Read more about $post->post_title ..."); ?>

Which I hope will be of use to you.

Secondly I have added the witty plugin, and am busy compiling various random quotes and sayings to go into the random file. I hope they aren’t a detraction!

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6 Responses to Extending the blog

  1. Rich says:

    Following the lead of others, you might be able to see my mugshot on a few comments. This might not remain there forever…

  2. dotjay says:

    He he .. I had noticed that, Rich. 😉 I like some of the changes you’ve made. You could try using a .htaccess file and some rewrite rules to clean up the post URLs. Says he, yet to finish making such changes to his own blog.

  3. ddman says:

    I noticed on another site you posted with an edit to the wp-mail.php … I am also working on modifying the way e-mails are handled and I was interested in your ideas. Please e-mail me when you get a chance.

    — ddman

  4. Rich says:

    I will ddman.

    This refers to something I posted on the wordpress site:

    I like the idea of blogging via email, but I feel the current set-up is open to possible spam appearing. Although suggesting use of random strings for the address is obviously a good idea, it would still be possible for spam to get to that mail box, and therefore be published onto your blog.

    My suggestion is that an extra function is added whereby only emails that are tagged get published. This would be a secondary security measure.

    Subject: [WP] blog title

    The [WP] should be configurable from within WordPress, and be automatically stripped out before the article is published. This allows us to change it, and again it could be just a random string. The chances of both the email address and this tag being used would be remote.


  5. Kat says:

    Hi Rich…I’ve just stumbled upon your site, and love the humor, the wit, and…the look. Can you tell me what WP theme you’re using?


    “My 7-Day Journey to Adsense Income Using WordPress”

  6. Rich says:

    theme? well I adapted the default one a couple of years ago, and probably needs updating now!

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