UK2 spam update 2

You’d think that they would take things seriously, but they haven’t. So I have now sent them the next letter which is worded much stronger. Hopefully mentioning the Data Protection Act at them will have a greater effect this time. Though I don’t think for one minute I will actually get a response.

So yet again a copy of the letter sent to them:

UK-2 Limited
29th Floor
1 Canada Square
Canary Wharf
London, E14 5DY

Dear Sir/Madam,
Spam by UK2
I note you have not replied to, or undertaken to carry out all my requirements in, my letter of 16th January 2008 or explained your apparent breach of the law to my satisfaction.

As you have not replied it appears you are clearly unwilling to use the opportunity I gave to deal with this dispute. I now intend to claim damages of an amount up to 750 from you under PECR and the Data Protection Act for:

1. Lost time in dealing with your unsolicited commercial emails.
2. Costs of dealing with anti-spam measures.
3. Breach of the data protection principles by, without consent, processing personal data comprising personal email addresses.
4. Breach of your statutory duty under Section 17 of the Data Protection Act.
5. Distress in relation to the above damages under Section 13.2 of the Data Protection Act.

In accordance with my rights under the Data Protection Act I require you to:
1. Send me a full copy of all personal data you hold about myself.
2. Cease processing and destroy any personal data (including email addresses) held on myself
3. Confirm you have done so.

I also require you to undertake, in writing, that neither you nor any of your connected or controlled companies will send any form of unsolicited commercial email again.
I put you on notice that I may proceed with action in my local Court unless you settle my claim in a reasonable manner within seven days.

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