permanent tangent

Todays selection...


  • Streaming - too many sources
    It began with a simple task some years ago, create my own TV Scheduling from php and xml. …
  • Cribbage Patience
    Many years ago I was introduced to Cribbage Patience, and have loved it ever since. …
  • Web Scraping
    I've used PHP before to scrape information from a web site, mainly using CURL. However a few years ago I delved into Python and found ... …
  • Sites: Chess
    I've designed sites on and off for over 25 years. Some were truly awful, leopard skin background anyone? …
  • WordPress no more
    I started playing with WordPress back in its early days, back in 2004, to see if it was suitable for maintaing a website. At that time it wasn't, so I wrote my own CMS. It was a little ambitious as I didn't know that much PHP at the time. …
  • New Design
    Having finally set up a personal web server at home, I can no devote some time to sorting out this site. …