Files in main folder

Note: Since Hamster-version 1.3/.1 paths are adjustable by Hamster.ini. script-authors should use corresponding hs2-/OLE-functions and not 'firm' (fixed) paths.
Hamster.exe The executable main file.
Hamster.ini In this file Hamster stores many settings, as far as they are not server-specific or have more complex construction which justifies own file. This file is produced by the first hamster's start.
Hamster.hlp Hamster's English help file. (This :-))
Hamster_de.hlp Hamster's German help file.
Hamster _??.dat Linguistic files; German (?? =de) and English (?? =en) are included
Changes.txt Version-history in English.
Aenderungen.txt Version-history in German - since version 1.3.21.xx
Groups.hst List of all Hamster's newsgroups.
Pulls.hst List of the pulls of newsgroups.
Server.hst, SrvPOP3.hst, SrvSMTP.hst List of NNTP-/POP3- and SMTP-server.
Password.!!! Password storage file.
Accounts.!!! Local users.
IPAccess.hst Access authorizations on IP-basis, normally allows local access, by default access from the local network and if you change it also from the Internet.
Scores.hst Score file for news, allows to skip loading articles on the base of (so-called) Overview-informations. Treatment by "Configuration | news-score-/Killfile".
MailFilt.hst Filter file for E-mails, also allows distribution for several users base on specification in the mails and importing of mailing lists in corresponding local news groups. Treatment by "Configuration | mail-score-/Killfile".
Ham.exe Commandline tool (see also "Ham help" for details).
*.hsc, demo*.hsc (Example) hamster-scripts. If the path for scripts and modules in the INI-file has been moved, at least own script and module should be copied naturally below the corresponding path.
*.pl, demo*.pl (Example) Perl-scripts
*.vbs, demo*.vbs (Example) VBScript-scripts ("Windows Scripting Host")
Hamst_xy.ico Hamster's icons in Tray (replaceable with own icon),
Name: "Hamst_xy.ico",
x for "1" (no running Thread) or "2" (min. 1 Thread active)
y for "a" (everything ok), "b" (min. one warning) or "c" (min. one mistake)

Translated by Heiko Studt
Unable to open file