Why inside out?

and not outside in?

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Google maps

It may have been around for ages, but the directions from London to New York are interesting… (take a special look at 37 in the list of directions.)

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Accessibility causes mistakes

Television, and the BBC, in particular have had a long tradition with utilising sign language. More and more programmes now feature an interpretor in the corner. Even in children’s television, sign language has a history. However a recent report over on Digital Spy Kids TV host accused of swearing in sign shows that increasing accessibility comes with its own pitfalls.

Be wary of what you use for translations, and ensure they are checked over by a third party.

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Clever sods

Spammers are trying to be clever, I just found this comment in amongst the standard every day spam:

Just test.
We are sorry for inconveniences. Please, send us deletemefrombase@mail.ru your resource url and we delete it from our base. Otherwise you will recieve a lot of messages evereday. 🙂

Do people still believe these?

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PHP and migraines

I’ve been working on several scripts just recently.

Updating a gallery script for the Discworld Convention Site went fairly smoothly, though integration into someone else framework is never easy. It takes a while to understand how things were put together and what hooks you need to use, and more importantly what hooks you don’t need! For a lot of the time I was working on secure pages because I’d left in a function call! Still a fair bit of work to do, but most of it is cosmetic and once I get stuck in it should be easy going.

I’ve also been working on modifying a set of scripts I wrote a couple of years ago, making it more user friendly, easier to style, and adding functionality in that I had missed first time around. Can’t say much more on it at the moment, but if successful it could be useful for a lot of people. Of course the output is accessibility friendly – though I have yet to run any tests on it.

But yesterday and today I have suffered from another migraine. Trying to code during one of these is more than a little difficult sigh. But I struggle on as best I can. It would have been nice if the painkillers I take actually help but today sadly they didn’t.

bah grumble argh.

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Wii are 20

Just over 3 weeks ago I bought a Wii, as mentioned back in Wii arrived today – now how to turn it off!.

Today after 20 attempts I managed to get my Fitness age down to 20. I think this may beat Jack Pickard who posted a month ago in his Wii are 20 post.

For the record my 3 tasks were hitting the punchbag in boxing, target golf, and power bowling.

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