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Due to the demand that I should bring the guidance nevertheless here to several new readers, do I that simply times. [ Michael, < G>isi, Karin... ]: -)

I could test the following newsreader so far, whereby I had attached mainly importance on Freeware, since the hamster is evenly also Freeware:

Mainly it actually always concerns to teach to the Client the fact that the news server is not situated outside of the computer but in the impeller turns its rounds. Outlook express receives thus the most complex Site.<g > with the other news readers I the text form preferred. It cannot harm however to read itself the configuration of OE5 somewhat more exactly since many points apply also to other newsreaders.

Generally the new News and Mailserver are called now local host or With Outlook express and Netscape messenger should be paid attention to the fact that no other entered server is more active, which accesses a server outside from local host, since it can come otherwise to problems. Mails and News are sent now over local host to the hamster, then the Mails and News further-distributed on the servers indicated in the hamster. The hamster functions here as a " middleman " between your newsreader and the Mail and new servers of your Providers.

The following adjustments apply now to all newsreader/servers:
New server NNTP local host or
Mailserver POP3 - (post office input) local host or
Mailserver smtp - (post office output) local host or

Also the newsreader must subscribe the groups of new now the new server beforehand used by the hamster and no more from. Also the newsreader is synchronized now with Hamster(localhost) and no more with the new server, which was beforehand used. If you want to use another server except hamsters, it empfielt in OE a new identity and in the Netscape messenger a new profile to create itself. How goes, you experience on the relevant pages.

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