One of the advantages of the hamster is that one can let work while the loading of the News filter rules. These filter rules are written into the file ' scores.hst '. To achieve the filter options are directly in the file ' scores.hst ' or over File /Killfile log Settings /Edit Scorefile. The hamster core file is fully RegExp compatible (Regular of express ion, regular printouts). If you want to inform more near in addition, you should visit the following pages: < thanks on - jh & T-Online team for the on the left of >
The hamster offers also a simpler filter possibility, which is to be also described here now.
Scoring comes from the English and means as much as ' points counts '. By the filter rules points will thus assign. The number of points can be more largely, same or smaller than zero. If a Posting has a scoring and smaller than zero, the Posting is thus not even loaded filtered. The sense of the Scorens is situated thus in it unwanted Postings to filter and special spheres of interest preferentially to load.
The hamster offers the possibility after the following entries (single dump) to scoren:
In the Scorefile the criteria are determined, according to which the articles with points are up and are devalued. In the hamster assistance Juergen explained a filtering well and should whereupon to her also fall back. If you do not come thereby so correctly clearly, probably also this page helps you little.
[ * - test ] | firmly for all groups except those, the " test " puts a sector in the name enthalten.(z.Bsp.: de.test, T-Online test) |
-1 Subject " test " | All articles with " test " are reduced in the concern around one point. |
+1 " hamster " ~Subject | All articles with " hamster " are raised in the concern around one point. " ~ " forwards ' subject ' or ' from ' it means that the text concerned before the Scoren is MIME-DECODED. |
-1 From " my name "
-1 From " " |
All articles, which in the From " my name " is has, are reduced around 1 point. It can be filtered also to certain Mail addresses, if you a quite certain sender nervt and you do not want to read it any longer. |
-1 bytes %>9000 | All articles, those more largely than 9000 bytes are... Plonk! |
-1 LINES %>300 | All articles, the more than 300 lines have... Plonk! |
-1 Xpost %>3 | All articles, those in more than 3 groups at the same time... Plonk! |
-1 Age %>14 | Articles, those than 14 days are older... |
Since also several criteria can apply to an article, the counter reading can vary thus. An article with hamster in the concern and more than 300 lines receives thus the counter reading 0, is therefore loaded. If you do not want that, you should increase/increase either the number of Scorepunkte or determine fixed of values (e.g.: = - 100 LINES %>300)
The filtered article headers appear in the hamster under File/Killfile log Settings... and can become there subsequently the Download marked ' Marks for retrievals ' or deleted ' DELETES '. With ' Scorefile test ' you can regard, which filter criterion applies to this article. In the filter adjustments you find down still the option the fact that articles with a point number smaller than - X not to the log are being taken up but directly into the Nirwana is sent.
The following example is to be consulted please only as suggestion for the structure of its own filter. Do not take over please complete contents, since some is double and it is to point out only the possibilities to you. Thus always beautifully carefully.
[ * ] # sector determine (all groups) -11 LINES %>300 #
article with more than 300 lines filter -11 bytes %>10000 # article over 10000 bytes filter +22 ~Subject to FAQ # exception for FAQs determine -9 Xpost %>3 # Crossposts in more than 3 groups filter -1000 ~From " my name " # article of " my name " filter -2000 ~From " stefan_c@ " # a certain recorder filter +1000 Message ID # my Postings hochscoren +1000 of references " " # responses to my Postings +1000 From " karin.garz " # of favourites hochscoren: -) +1000 from juergen.haible # hamster father! # here 3 possibilities of a real name filter. Ask only one select. # real name filter No. 1 gemopst from the mailing list, gemailt from Juergen Haible:
-1 ~from
# Scorepunkte want to be only earned
# real name filter No. 2
# real name filter No. 3
# filter on anti-Spam spoilers in the Mailadresse
# address counterfeiter and user of AnonMailern
[ * - test ] # sector for all except the groups of tests
#... or if not at least 2 lowercase letters are available:
[ * - generally - new users - netdigest ]
# article in the hierarchy " * " with Unix
software filter
[{^de\.} -market]
# Top level spreading Crossposting
# urgent problems and other DAUtum
# impolite Subjectaenderungen
# Naja, FAQs one can hochscoren times; -)
# article in hired filters, which does not interest me.
Marc Haber <>
> Newsgroups: de.alt.netdigest > Subject: [de.comm.internet.misc] Re: Anonymity > Date: Samstag, 3. April 1999 11:04
From: (Gunther Schmidt) (Marc Haber) wrote:
Hello Marc,
there I me serious concerns over it it makes that you the Plonks over the Osterfeiertage go out, gibt's a handful from my fundus; among them also a few special models, of which I me only very heavy heart separate.
* plonk *