Christoph Biedl postet regularly its hamster mini FAQ into the appropriate groups in Usenet. Though the web page seems to have gone missing.
According to standard when fetching all Mails is sorted into the p.o. box of the Admin account. If the Mails is to be sorted into the p.o. boxes of the users, you should proceed in such a way:
Now all Mails, which is gotten by the respective Mailserver, is sorted into the p.o. box of the local account.
Wilfried Kramer would transmit a guidance in addition into the hamster mailing list. Kindly it veroeffenlicht this guidance also on its homepage: gone missing
No problem. If you use
the instruction
hamfetchmail for the May lab getting, you can use also several
Within a Scriptes looks in such a way:
hamfetchmail(" ", " POP3 ", " user ", " password
", " ", " ")
several of these lines into the Scriptdatei
entered, in each case around
user/password modified, causes the