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Author Archives: Rich
php markdown accessible toolbar
Last month I wrote about the possibility of creating a Toolbar for php markdown. Today I can finally allow access to my work in progress. Markdown Toolbar Development [updated: May 6th 2006]
php markdown
For the past week or so I have been investigating the possibility of creating a WYSIWYG editor that actually produced php markdown code, as opposed to mark up. After reviewing the situation, and comments by others, I believe that although … Continue reading
Updating elfden.co.uk
It has been a while since I even looked at the main elfden site, let alone updated it!. However since I have written some php I felt it deserved a bit of a makeover, so I am currently working on … Continue reading
I spy with my little eye …
… something beginning with S. Of course playing this with a dyslexic will get you the answer ceiling… Playing this with an inventive 6 year old on the other hand.. well if you give up it has him stumped. He … Continue reading
Lost in Translation
I may not officially work any more, but I do occassionly do some unpaid work. Currently this involves htmlifying Slovenian translation of a set of web pages. Except that they aren’t based on the web pages but the original, much … Continue reading